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Know Here  Next Generation EV Batteries

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4 Major Parts of EV Batteries 1. Cathode 2. Separator 3. Electrolytes 4. Anode 

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Cathode Active Material (CAM) of Cathode accounts  40% cost. 

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Cathode Active Material Made of  Nickel Cobalt Manganese Aluminium 

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Raw Material of Cathode Active Material Called Precursor 

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For Next-Gen Batteries Aluminium Ion Batteries going to replace Lithium Ion Batteries 

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Manganese Going to replace Cobalt for affordable EV Batteries 

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Pure Silicon Going to replace Graphite Anode for affordable EV Batteries 

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Solid State Batteries are the next-gen batteries with enhanced safety & affordable price.

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The Sustainability of EVs is only based on affordable pricing. With these changes the Next-Gen EV batteries would come soon.