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200 year old history of electric car in 20 seconds.

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Year: 1832 Robert Anderson develop 1st crude electric vehicle.

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Year: 1890 William Morrison developed high speed EV with 14 miles/hr top speed.

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Year: 1900 EVs were ahead in the race because gear shift & start of gasoline vehicle was difficult.

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Year: 1908 Henry Ford's Model T gasoline driven car blew EV due to availability & affordability.

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Year: 1912 Gasoline car cost only $650 while electric car at $1750.

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Year: 1912 Charles Kettering, introduced electric starter eliminating the need for hand crank.

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Year: 1920 US had a better road connectivity and easily & cheap availability of gasoline. 

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Year: 1920-60 EV remain in dark age.

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Year: 1970 Soaring prices of gasoline & shortage spark interest in EVs.

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Year: 1976 Electric & Hybrid vehicle research, development & demonstration act passed for EVs.

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Year: 1990 Clean Air Amendment Act for EVs passed.

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Year: 1992 Energy Policy Act passed. These act given fresh breath to EVs development.

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Year: 2000 Year 2000 was the turning point year for EVs.

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Year: 2006 Tesla start to produce a luxury EV cars that could go more than 200 miles in a single charge.

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Electric Vehicles are the next-gen transportation at affordable price & readily available.