Types of Eco-Friendly Cars [ You Never Knows]

Electric Vehicles (EVs)   EVs have an electric motor which can be refuel by charging the battery. 

Level 1 Charger   Electric cars come with Level-1 charger of 120 volt which you can plug-in any 120 volt plug. 

Level 2 Charger   Level-2 charger come 240 volt plug-in & its professionally installed by team of experts. 

Level 3 Charger   Level-3 charging which is also called fast charging. This fast charging is available for public at charging stations only not for home use.

Pug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) PHEVs can run off on both battery as well as internal combustion engine. Recharging of PHEVs can be done with 120-volt Level-1 charger, regenerative braking, or the internal combustion engine  

Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCVs):  FCVs draw electricity from a hydrogen fuel cell. Hydrogen as a fuel source has a potential of zero emissions. It can be sourced from renewable materials like water and biomass 

Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs)  NGVs can run either using compressed natural gas or liquified natural gas. A bi-fuel light NGVs use mixture of both natural gas as well as gasoline and heavy vehicles use mixture of natural gas along with diesel.  

Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFVs)  FFVs can run on both gasoline and blend of gasoline with ethanol, which is called E85. E85 means the mixture of ethanol of 85% and rest gasoline. Ethanol can be source from renewable biomasses like sugarcane, corn, wood. So its more eco friendly fuel. 

 Gasoline Hybrid Vehicles (GHVs) GHVs with internal combustion engine that uses gasoline as well as an electric motor. These types of vehicles better than regular gasoline vehicles and lesser emission released.